PARALIMNI: Technical Engineer vacancy in the Municipality of Paralimni

All information on applications and forms

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The Municipality of Paralimni accepts applications for the position of Technical Engineer.

The announcement of the filling of the position in question is made following a decision of the Council of Ministers and the written consent of the Parliamentary Finance and Budget Committee to exempt them from the provisions of the Prohibition of Filling Vacancies in the Public and Wider Public Sector (Special Provisions) Laws of 2013 until 2017.

TECHNICAL ENGINEER (First Appointment Position)

  1. The salary of the position is on the combined scales A5 (2nd grade) –A7-A8(i) and to this shall be added any general increases authorized by legislation. In addition, indexation allowance is payable as per the rate approved by the Government from time to time.
  2. The duties and responsibilities, as well as the required qualifications, are defined in the Service Plan of the position, which was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic with no. 4312 and dated 18/10/2019 (Appendix Eight) S.Y. 38/2019.
  3. For the purposes of this vacancy announcement, it is not deemed necessary based on the needs of the Municipal Service to define a Job Description at this stage.
  4. Candidates must sit and pass a written examination which includes New Greek (weighting 15%), English (weighting 15%), Special Topic (40%) and Aptitude Test (weighting 30%).

Last date for submission of applications: 5 August 2022, 13:00

More information and participation forms CLICKING HERE