The violence that "gnawed" the cornerstone of civilization

Lignadi's arrest was the icing on the cake - Michalis Antoniou writes

michalis antoniou Καθ 'Οδόν Ελευθερία

He writes Michalis Antoniou.

After the torrent of interviews by Bekatorou, who revealed that he had been sexually abused by a prominent member of the Sailing Federation, also for sexual abuse of a minor athlete.

The coach, of course, insists that he was with the consent of the then 11-year-old athlete who had a relationship. He even claimed that it was something "mutual" and in no way was it rape.

Now whether an eleven-year-old girl can see her coach erotically is another equally important question that needs a lot of analysis.

Bekatorou was the trigger to open the bag of aeolus for other branches where there was violence, with the baton this time taking the field of art.

Ms. Douka gave an interview with revelations that no one would expect to hear live on television.

She stated that the actress herself was a victim of violence, "giving" Kimoulis as the face_of_the_soul, with several famous women following her testimony, that they were also victims of the same person as Geronikolou. Of course he himself went on the counterattack defending the Duke for slander.

At the same time, "Bravo" and the applause to the famous actress from several colleagues gave and took.

One complaint brought the other, with many names of the Greek theater naming many hitherto old actors, such as Haikalis and Filippidis, that they were victims of sexual abuse by them.

The icing on the cake was the arrest of Lignadis, the former president of the Hellenic Troupe, on the charges against him, namely serial rape of minors. The horrible revelations speak of hell nights on the 8th floor of the penthouse he kept in Metaxourgeio.

The "why now" that many are wondering and should not, in my opinion, simply can not be answered. Maybe fear? Insecurity? Nobody knows. Maybe now they just found the courage.

The point is, violence alone is disgusting. And it is a great shame that areas such as sports and the arts, which are the cornerstone of civilization, are dominated by incidents of violence.

I wonder if there is any area where there is NO violence in the end.

I am disgusted just by the thought of the way our society is taking, and I hope that someday mouths will open - many of which are still hermetically sealed - sooner to prevent evil instead of perpetuating it.