10 basic rules that every proper family must respect

Proper Family Rules: Many wonder about the ideal way to raise a child. This is not a coincidence. Instead, there are rules that one must follow to achieve this and which are below. In more detail:

Appearance is not everything: Some parents put a little more emphasis on the child's appearance. Keeping your child clean and tidy takes a lot of effort and time, but we all know that eventually children will get dirty. Wise parents do not consider it necessary for the child to always wear clean clothes for the child's personal development.

Little things start hard: We are not born knowing how to wear pants or brush our teeth! In the beginning, these everyday little things will be a challenge for children. In order to be independent, these efforts must be recognized and encouraged. Support your child every time something starts and if it does not work, say: "Every beginning is difficult".

Let them release their energy: Instead of running after the kids and telling them "Don't get on it!" "Do not touch this!" or "Calm down!", wise parents know that they must let their child expend his energy. Obviously, you need to make sure they are not doing anything that will put them at risk, but letting them get their energy out safely is a smart move.

Trust them: You have taught your child how to do a chore at home, but the next step is to allow him to do this work entirely on his own. If you trust them without your supervision, they will feel that they are doing a good job. This will not only boost their confidence, but also encourage them to do these jobs in the future.

Do not let disrespect go unnoticed: There are some limits that children are not allowed to cross. The main thing is not to respect their family. Letting them say things like "You idiot!" to the mother, father or brother will give the child the feeling that it is okay to show disrespect in everyday life. Make sure you treat this lack of respect with fair punishment (he may sit in his room to think about what he said) and talk later about why this act was not right.

Nothing goes unnoticed: Some modern psychologists will warn you not to praise the slightest thing your child does. However, wise parents know that it is healthy to attach importance to every achievement. Do not throw away the plan they made for you at school! Praise them, hang them and even show them when your friends come home.

Independence reward: It is important not only to let your child know that he can do anything, but that he can do anything on his own. This will create an independent mentality that will be useful to them in adulthood. And every time your child does something positive and independent, be sure to reward and praise that energy.

The mess is not bad: Part of having children has to do with seemingly constant chaos. But instead of whining and shouting at the child every time there is a mess, accept the chaos! This will help your child decide for himself how he likes to live. As children get older, it is important to learn why cleanliness and order are important. Clean up their mess with the kids to show them how important it is.

Challenge them to do things on their own: Many children depend on their parents to do almost everything at home for them But instead of doing it yourself, show them how it is done! Then, in the future, you can challenge them to complete the work on their own.

Teach self-control: Instead of punishing a child by depriving him of something, it is better to set rules that provide a specific benefit for a proper action. Explaining to him why a choice is the right one and rewarding this good behavior, he will imprint in his mind that this action is really beneficial.


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