14 "secrets" of the keyboard that will make your life easier and save you valuable time

There are 3 types of computer users: those who use their mouse, those who use their keyboard and those who prefer to talk to Cortana or Siri. No matter what category you belong to, you can not deny the tremendous usefulness of some shortcuts and tricks that reveal the unknown features that your computer has always had. These clever tricks enhance your day-to-day computer experience and give you the ultimate boost in productivity and security.

We have collected 14 computer tricks that will be useful for those who use their computer for fun or business.

1. Ctrl + T opens a new tab

When you work hard on your computer and your web browser is the number one tool you use, opening new tabs is something you do countless times during the day. Instead of doing it manually with your mouse, you can just press "Ctrl" and the letter T and a new tab will open. If you are using a MacBook, press "command" instead of "ctrl".

2. Ask Google about any problems you have before you go to a dedicated computer.

Most computer problems are simple problems that can be easily solved by following a few steps. However, most people panic when something goes wrong and run to the nearest computer specialist. Just stay cool and calm. You can type your problem into the Google search bar and read what Microsoft or the various technology forums have to say. You will probably find the solution there and you will not have to spend money on a specialist.

3. For currency conversions, use the Google search bar instead of a calculator.

Who needs calculators when you have something as valuable as Google? If you are traveling abroad and need to see how much money you will make by exchanging currency, you can simply enter the amount of money and the currency of the country in which you are traveling. A simple "100 dollars in euros" is enough to find out how much you will gain or lose from changing money.

4. A laptop battery charges faster when in flight mode.

When your laptop is in flight mode, it means that many features, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, are turned off. This takes some pressure off your battery and allows it to charge faster than it normally does. Wait to see your laptop fully charged 10-15 minutes faster than if you had flight mode turned off.

5. Automatically download any Google image by pressing Alt and clicking on it.

Most people right-click on images and select "save", but there is a much easier and faster way to download a photo to your computer. You can simply press "Alt" and then left-click on an image and it will be automatically saved on your computer in the "Downloads" folder. On a MacBook you can press "control" and then click on the image, it will give you a drop-down menu where you can select "Copy image".

6. Hide your IP address so no one can see what you are doing.

There are several ways that can hide your IP address and make your browsing invisible. First of all, you need to install a good VPN in your web browser to change your actual location. Then you can download PeerBlock, which also hides your address and lets you do whatever you want without anyone knowing.

7. Download “f.lux” to automatically adjust the brightness of your computer screen.

Many of you are working on your computers from different environments and you know how difficult it is to be in a dark place with an extremely bright screen. Most computers have night mode, which adjusts the brightness during the night. You can also download and install f.lux, which automatically adjusts the brightness of the screen based on the environment in which it is installed. It is a great alternative if the night mode is not satisfactory for you.

8. A clean desktop means a faster computer.

If you are having problems with your computer speed, it may be that your desktop is full of icons. Instead of having a folder for every little thing on your desktop, you can create a folder and organize everything there. Then put all your applications on the taskbar and you will be left with an almost empty desktop. This will instantly maximize the speed of your computer.

9. Find out who is stealing your Wi-Fi.

Isn't it annoying when your connection is slow because someone else is taking advantage of your Wi-Fi? If you not only want to change your password, but also find out who the thief (or thieves) is, then you can download the app "Who Is on My Wi-Fi" and you may encounter them. There is nothing more embarrassing than telling someone that you know the internet is stealing from you.

10. You can recover deleted files even if you have emptied the Recycle Bin.

Deleting files and emptying the recycle bin can be very frustrating, as you may later realize that there was a file in this pile that you really need. What you can do is download it Recuva, which is the leading program for recovering permanently deleted files. You just select the type of file you want and the program searches everything for you. If it's been a long time since a file was deleted, the program may not be able to find it.

11. If you notice these signs, your computer has been compromised.

Millions of people are violated every day and you may be one of them at some point. Seeing the antivirus disabled is one of the first serious signs. Also, when you try to log in to your computer and suddenly your password does not work, this is another serious sign that something is wrong. Finally, a sure sign that you have been violated is if you see the cursor moving on its own. In this case, take your laptop to a specialist and try to resolve the issue.

12. Windows + C lets you start talking in Cortana.

For users who have purchased laptops Microsoft or use computers with the latest version of Windows 10The Cortana is the digital person who can guide you in anything you need. If you do not know how to perform a specific action or you are tired of using the mouse, you can press "Windows" and the letter C and ask her Cortana whatever you want. It will ask you questions to guide you in the action you need to take. If on the other hand you use MacBook, you will need to press "Command" and then the space bar to start talking to Crab.

13. Ctrl + Q closes your browser.

Another extremely useful shortcut is the one that takes you out of your browser. In this case, press it Ctrl and after the letter Ε. Once again, if you use MacBookk, press the key "Command" instead of the button “Ctrl“. This way everything becomes a little faster.

14. Ctrl + I Changes the text style in italics.

When you press the key at the same time Ctrl and letterI there are several things that can happen in a total of 147 different programs. However, the most common and common use of this combination is to convert the text to Word and other regular-style italics. All you have to do is highlight the word or words you want and press the 2 keys. For users Mac, you must press the "command" key and then letter I to perform the same action.


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