"My 7-year-old son suffers from autism and received the 1st birthday invitation that I will not have to refuse"

The moving letter of a mother of a child with autism: "This is the first time my son with autism has received a birthday invitation and has not


The touching letter of a mother of a child with autism: ""This is the first time my son with autism has received a birthday invitation and I did not have to refuse."

"My 7-year-old son suffers from autism and received the 1st birthday invitation that I will not have to refuse"

"Dear (Wonderful) Mom,

You do not know me and I do not know you, but my son, Timothy, sometimes sits next to your son at school.

Timothy suffers from a severe autism spectrum disorder. He is also a 7-year-old boy who loves and plays with all his heart. He needs a lot of extra help at school and sometimes he just seems to ignore everything that happens around him.

He wants friends, but sometimes he does not know how to do it.

He wants to play, but sometimes he does not know how to ask for it.

He wants to participate, but sometimes he does not know how.

We, the parents of children with disabilities, we know very well how hurt our children are when they are left out of social events.

Organized sports, appointments for games, sleeping in another child's house and of course, the infamous birthday parties.

I can wholeheartedly say that my son has never been involved in such activities. We have received countless invitations in recent years, but mostly from kids who are just calling the whole class. Do not misunderstand me, I am grateful.

I'm just wondering if my parents know what would happen if I brought Timothy? Holidays, outbursts. By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive.

That is why we politely refused. Each of the previous invitations.

Until your invitation arrives in the mail with a special note. He wrote:

"Carter sits next to Timothy at school and always talks to us about him. I really hope he can come. We have rented an inflatable castle that also has an inflatable slide. We will also have water balloons and water cannons. Maybe Timothy could come earlier in the day if he could not with the whole class. "Let me know how we can make it work."

You wrote down exactly what I needed to see that day and I did not even know it.

Because of your son is involved.

Because of your son he feels that they want him.

Because of your son he has a voice.

And I want you to know that because of you I can do it one more day.

Thanks to you I can stand another meeting.

Thanks to you I can withstand more prying eyes and answer more questions.

Thanks to you I can hope for Timothy's future.

I just wanted to tell you that you are doing a fantastic job with your son.

This mom will answer YES for the first time. And I'm really looking forward to it.


"Timothy's very grateful mom."


via: Enimerotiko