"All women are beautiful"

ImageHandler Human, Women, campaign

A campaign that celebrates the diversity and beauty of all female body types.

Women of all body types star in the "All women are beautiful" campaign projecting a beautiful and very true image.

This campaign wants to show us that real female bodies, have a imperfections, extra pounds and there is no reason to be ashamed of it. Instead, we ought to love ourselves, our face, and our bodies as they really are.

By boldly using and promoting our diversity, we remove the entrenched notion of "perfect beauty" and inspire thousands of women to love themselves as they really are.

Our diversity makes us unique. All women are beautiful and our strength is our character. This is the message that "All women are beautiful" wants to convey, which is inspiration of the journalists of the show "Follow»On ANT1. The campaign  was created because we were concerned about the way our society views women, but also the incessant comparisons we make in our own minds, based on the stimuli we receive on social media.

The goal of our campaign is for every woman to love what she is and not what she would like to be. Let us celebrate our unique beauty today but also every day !!!.

Watch the video:










Source: ant1iwo.com