How do numbers define our lives: What do those who know their secrets pay attention to?

Numerology and date of our birth

000 shutterstock 166120136 1312x819 1 numbers, Buddha, Jesus Christ, China, ISTANBUL, Last Supper, Knights Templar, numbers, feng shui, Snow White

If in some magical (and certainly completely arbitrary) way we combined numerology with football, our conversation would be short. If you are an Olympian, your lucky number is 7 and the number that brings whining, misery, Gandalf and all the bad things is 12 + 1 or 14-1. It's up to you to choose. However, the number between 12 and 14 is not even mentioned.

If you are Panathinaikos again, the exact opposite happens. And let us argue that 13 which is one number gross and forerunner of evil for almost the whole planet, you like it and you enjoy it and it brings you luck.

Beyond the fun, though, why the numbers do they play such an important role in some people's lives? Do they really matter so much in our daily lives? Do they affect our work, our finances and our emotions? Is that really so, or is it all just in our minds, which is known to be the most powerful weapon man has?

shutterstock 1005856870 735x459 1 numbers, buddha, jesus christ, china, istanbul, Last Supper, Knights Templar, numbers, feng shui, Snow White

Apart from the football that θηκε was analyzed earlier, there are many other reasons that somehow "explain" why 7 is at least a positive number.

In ancient Greece there were seven sages. A child's education began in the seventh year of his age. Seven points in geometry that can not create a symmetrical circular shape. Seven free arts. Seven strings of the lyre of Apollo. The seven for mathematicians is a symbol of perfection, since it is a product of two numbers with a perfect geometric shape. The seven "fits" twice the sacred number "three" and of course the divine unit.

There were seven plagues of Pharaoh. Seven deadly sins. Seven wonders of the world. Seven days a week with the most important being the seventh. There are seven sacred sacraments performed by the church. Seven are the gifts of the Holy Spirit. There are seven steps that he took Buddha after his birth. The Chinese believe that if "Yin Feng Shui" is practiced correctly, its influence will be seen after 7 generations. There are seven. Kids fighting against the evil wolf. There are seven dwarfs who protect and love her Snow White.

Endless symbolism of 7. From ancient Greece to children's fairy tales everyone tries to fit him somewhere to bring them good luck. On the opposite is 13.

shutterstock 1675302277 735x459 1 numbers, buddha, jesus christ, china, istanbul, Last Supper, Knights Templar, numbers, feng shui, Snow White

Strange as it may seem, the story of the unlucky 13 begins in the Middle Ages and with how many people sit at the table. This superstition continues and develops in various areas. It erupts again in the years of Jesus when (yes, you guessed it) at his table Secret Dinner 13 people sit and at the end one (Ιησούς) is dying. Of course the 13th person was associated with Judas.

In addition, 13 witches take part in a gathering of witches. Also, the number 13 is often used since ancient times in divination. Apart from these, there is also the Tuesday and the 13th that we encounter in Orthodox Christianity because it is associated with the fall of Istanbul. Friday the 13th for the Catholics was the day the betrayal against them took place Knights Templar by the Pope and Emperor of France Philip.

shutterstock 764472433 735x459 1 numbers, buddha, jesus christ, china, istanbul, Last Supper, Knights Templar, numbers, feng shui, Snow White

Did you know that in addition to AMKA and AFM you also have a destiny number? Sure! It is the sum of your date of birth and this number is fixed for each person and an indicator of his destination in this life.

Pythagoras considered numbers and date of birth important elements for a numerology scholar, as they give him information about the character and personality of a person!

For example, if you were born on 24/10/1979, you will have 2 + 4 = 6 for the day, 1 + 0 = 1 for the month, 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 = 26, 2 + 6 = 8 for the year. In this case the trio 1-6-8 is considered a predisposition for success in life.

10 is the perfect number for numerology. If in the date and year of your birth there are the pairs 1 + 9, 2 + 8, 3 + 7, 4 + 6, 5 + 5, if they are added they give 10, which as a single digit becomes 1, the number of success.

shutterstock 1013504680 735x459 1 numbers, buddha, jesus christ, china, istanbul, Last Supper, Knights Templar, numbers, feng shui, Snow White

For example, you may have been born on the 19th or 28th of the month, or on 1/9 or 7/3 and so on, or in April 1986 (4th month, 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 24, ie 6 , 4+ 6 = 10). When you have 10 hidden in your destiny number, it is a good omen to win the first place in whatever you want to achieve.

Also, always with the same logic, try to find out if within your date of birth there is one of the lucky triads of numerology which are: 1-4-7, 2-5-8, 3-6-9 and 1-6 -8.

Those who watch all of the above if they find something try to activate it. What are they doing; They are looking to find a home in a specific number. They choose a similar phone number. They choose a registration number on their vehicle that contains them and much more.

Try it. In the end you have nothing to lose…

shutterstock 1103078996 735x459 1 numbers, buddha, jesus christ, china, istanbul, Last Supper, Knights Templar, numbers, feng shui, Snow White

Feng Shui has its roots deep in numerology. So according to Feng shui Numbers play a very important role in a person's life. For Chinese, however, the lucky number is 8 because the sound heard when pronounced is similar to that of the word "prosperity" in Cantonese.

On the contrary, the position of 13 is taken here by 4. The reason is similar to the previous one: in Cantonese, the sound of the number is similar to that of "death".

All numbers are reduced to single digits with the addition of digits. In the case of really large numbers the sum of the extras must be reduced until you have only a single digit number. You can also combine digits.

According to feng shui, numbers (they must always end in a single digit by the method of adding digits) have the following meanings:

shutterstock 1016430565 735x459 1 numbers, buddha, jesus christ, china, istanbul, Last Supper, Knights Templar, numbers, feng shui, Snow White

The best feng shui number can only be achieved if you find your kua number. How will you find him? Look at your year of birth. The last two digits are the most important. Add the digits to make a digit. If a two-digit number comes out again, repeat the process until a digit appears.

After you do this (a thousand apologies for the inconvenience) if you are a man, you should subtract the number you found from 10, while if you are a woman you should add five to this digit. If two digits appear again, what matters is the second digit and with that you will move on in your life.
