Revenge porn, the fashion that has become a scourge and destroys lives

You meet a person, you fall in love with him, you leave space in your heart for moments and feelings. And at some point what once seemed like paradise on earth turns into a nightmare. Your ex-boyfriend is starting to post your personal moments, photos and videos with sexual content, and drag you into the global internet community.

Pandora Kouladi writes

The "revenge pornOr "revenge porn" has become a global scourge. It is a form of abuse, a rape that deconstructs the victim's whole being, with traumatic consequences. Victims most often seem to be women and girls, who feel "raped" for the second time when those around them claim that they caused the perpetrator's behavior.

"The victim may, because of the shame he feels, withdraw and isolate himself, because he cannot emotionally manage the exposure and the public humiliation. The approval of the society is a risk factor in the psychosynthesis of the victim "says the psychologist-psychotherapist, PhD candidate, Fotini-Elvisa Frokkai to

On the other hand, there is the perpetrator, who seems to derive satisfaction from his act. But what drives him to such behavior? "He may have been a victim of another situation in the past and may be a person with insecurity and satisfaction from the pain he causes," says the psychologist.

"Revenge porn" still seems to be a taboo subject with victims not seeking help from a specialist. "It's a wound that every time the victim thinks or talks about it is painful and it can lead to the victim being silenced or even repelled in an attempt to defend himself in something so traumatic that he 'rapes his soul,'" he says. Mrs. Frokai.

-How does revenge porn change the psychosynthesis of the victim?

The expulsion of the victim through the leak photos from personal moments against his will, is experienced as "rape", as described by victims of such behavior. The consequences for the victim can be traumatic. Research has shown that people who fall victim to such an act experience many psychological difficulties, from very intense anxiety and stress (Citron & Franks, 2014; Franks, 2016) to symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation (Henry et al., 2017).

Also, the victim may be withdrawn and isolated because of the shame he feels, because he cannot emotionally manage the exposure and public humiliation. The approval of society is a risk factor in the psychosynthesis of the victim. When this isolation is strengthened there is difficulty in "healing the wound" and the victim enters a vicious cycle of guilt and accountability in case some consider him to be responsible.

-Why does the perpetrator do it? What is his profile?

Revenge porn is a very painful experience for the person who experiences it. Most focus on the victim and the impact it has on him. But what is behind such behavior?

The perpetrator, as in any other bullying behavior, derives satisfaction from this act. Its purpose is to cause and hurt victim. There are many internal motivations as well as insecurities that can lurk. Initially, through the exhibition he seeks revenge on his partner. The pain he inflicts on the victim makes him feel superior. The superiority that the perpetrator feels, however, is an illusion. He may have been a victim of another situation in the past and may be a person with insecurity and satisfaction from the pain he causes.

He is also a person who seeks attention and has no empathy, as he can not understand the impact of his behavior on the victim.

A study found that perpetrators have the "dark trinity" and these characteristics have to do with narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. "Dark" refers to a person who has malicious qualities. These people find it difficult to leave their partner and seek revenge in order to control and impose themselves on the victims. (Pina, Holland, & James, 2017). What is certain is that these individuals have a special personality, which can be a predictor. The problem, however, is that revenge porn is accepted by the "attendees" who monitor and reinforce this phenomenon.

-How does the social environment treat the victims of revenge porn? Is there a stigma?

Statistics show that women and children are becoming more and more victims of this new scourge. Many times the social environment, due to limited knowledge of the phenomenon, can attribute the responsibility to the victim who is involved in a meeting with his partner and did not protect himself. Many even say that the victim, who is usually a woman, caused this behavior. Thus, a heavy climate is created at the expense of the victim, reinforcing his guilt.

In order to be able to address the social stigma, the phenomenon must be understood, in order to reduce the responsibility of the victim in the context of pornographic revenge and be a key step for victims to receive assistance.

It is important for society to show compassion for the victim and to condemn such behavior. Only in this way will this phenomenon be able to be tackled and eliminated. Even silence reinforces the phenomenon that plagues hundreds of people around the world.

-Is revenge porn part of a more general psychosexual behavior? So can one look for such signs in a relationship?

The revenge porn phenomenon is a newly introduced trend that has evolved with the advancement of technology. It has not been adequately studied, nor is it currently involved in any sexual disorder. It touches more on the personality of the individual. In other words, a person can distinguish some irrational or extreme reactions to his partner and some characteristic elements of his personality, as mentioned above.

However, the outcome of the relationship cannot be predicted with certainty. The relationship of trust is gradually established in a companion relationship. However, in any case, it is important for couples to preserve their love life and not to consent to the videotaping of their personal life.

-Do the victims resort to the psychologist or does it remain a taboo subject?

The revenge porn phenomenon seems to be a taboo subject and many times the victims may not seek help and resort to psychologist. The reason this happens is because victims can be frustrated and withdrawn, trying to deal with it on their own.

Such a traumatic experience can be experienced as prolonged mourning, as the victim may be obsessed with the process of seeing the published material again and only at the thought that many users have seen it does not want to discuss it further. It is a wound that every time the victim thinks or discusses it is painful and this can lead to his silence or even repulsion from the victim in his attempt to defend himself in something so traumatic that "rapes his soul".

Recourse to the specialist is appropriate and necessary. It is of the utmost importance for the victim to discuss all these negative emotions she is experiencing, as well as to be deprived of the outcome of the sexual act that ended in a nightmare.

The experience of such an experience can make the victim very introverted and shake his trust in other people. A love affair is part of a relationship and it is a shame to be excommunicated and condemned in this inhuman way.

-What happens when the victim and the perpetrator are minors? What can the family do?

The use of technology is good. However, in the case of abuse, it has the opposite effect. In the latter case, children who have difficulty controlling themselves are more likely to resort.

Children, and usually girls, are more likely to fall victim to such a phenomenon because they trust more easily and are more naive in assessing the other's intentions. Also, they do not realize the dangers that lurk from the disclosure of their personal data on the internet and this has negative consequences on their psychosynthesis.

Sexual blackmail through Internet is a new reprehensible act that has serious consequences for the victim. The members involved may be minors, however, this does not mean that it is not a criminal and traumatic act. Therefore, it is very important for the family to be able to control the activity of their children and in case something is suspected to take action by resorting to the prosecution of cybercrime.

In case their child falls victim to revenge porn, then their recourse to the specialist is necessary. Children are more likely to hide such an event because they may be intimidated and afraid to tell the truth. Observing their children's behavior and activity is the best way to protect children.


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