The unknown professions that will be in demand in the post-covid era

There is no doubt that when at some point the pandemic of acute respiratory disease 2019-nCoV, more commonly known as coronavirus, the world around us will not be the same. The flu strain will have infected in addition to the tens of millions of people and almost the entire labor market with economic consequences not yet being able to be accurately identified.

From 2017, ie two years before Covid19 appeared in China, the philosopher Richard David Precht and the computer professor Manfred Broy presented a scenario according to which about half of the jobs could disappear in the western world by the year 2030. Oxford economists Bennett Frey and Michael Osborne gave similar percentages for America. Obviously after the coronavirus their new studies will be much worse.

In essence, many professions will henceforth follow a hybrid work model that combines distance work with lifelong work. Those who make up the highly educated and educated scientific and workforce are most likely not to be in the unemployment fund, as those who point out point out.. In the post-coronavirus era professions that will be in demand are the following:


Let us first clarify that biostatistics (also known as biometrics) is the application of statistical methods in biology and more commonly in medicine. Because research hypotheses and scenarios in the sciences of biology and medicine are varied, biostatistics generally includes any quantitative, not just statistical, approach that can be used to answer research questions or to test the validity of scientific theories, hypotheses, and scenarios. The design and analysis of clinical trials is perhaps the best known application of statistical methods in medicine. So one understands why biostatistics will be more and more necessary in the future. These scientists can be employed either in private pharmaceutical and general medical companies or in relevant government agencies.

Distance teacher

As everything shows the distance learning came to stay and not just meet the needs of pupils and students during the pandemic. In universities, for example, lectures are now attended by far more students than in amphitheaters, since young people can attend classes on their mobile phones wherever they are, saving time to go and come to university. So the executives who will be trained in these new learning processes will obviously be in greater demand in the coming years.


He is the professional who deals with the financial impact of risk and uncertainty - all the more relevant. Actuaries provide valid estimates for financial security systems, with an emphasis on their complexity, their mathematics, and their mechanisms. They mathematically assess the probability of events and quantify possible outcomes in order to minimize the financial losses associated with uncertain adverse events. Since many events cannot be avoided (such as death), it is useful to take steps to minimize their financial impact when they occur. The profession of actuary is consistently ranked as one of the most desirable in many studies.

Unmanned aerial vehicle pilot

Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) has been increasingly used in recent years for a variety of activities, from space surveillance and photography to weather forecasting. In fact, everyone agrees that this technology will be utilized over the years in even more areas, so there will be a demand for specialized drone pilots. In particular, the future use of unmanned aircraft for peaceful purposes, such as the transport of medicines, biological materials for medical examinations and food to and from inaccessible areas, is being studied, among other things, utilizing the studies and technology that tends to be introduced under the MatterNet in the application of automatic way of moving materials.

Public Health Supervisor - Sanitary

It aims to control the hygiene and suitability of food, beverages, and places in restaurants, patisseries, hospitals, hotels, shops and other business premises. In particular, it exercises health control in schools, hospitals, workplaces, sports facilities and shops and provides services to environmental protection bodies. It also checks the suitability of food and beverages in their production, processing and storage areas. Its activities include autopsies and control procedures for the issuance of licenses for stores of health interest, the conduct of disinfection, rodenticides and disinfestations, the preparation of relevant reports for all kinds of businesses, the conduct of sampling for microbiological-chemical analysis of water. It also deals with the provision of consulting services to local government organizations on public health issues, the activity in the field of sales of public health products (chlorine).

Data scientist

The object of the data scientist as he is called abroad, is the collection and analysis of data with his multidisciplinary knowledge, to offer solutions through algorithms to a company or an organization. It must have the statistical knowledge and IT skills required to solve complex problems and are considered a treasure trove for companies wishing to increase their operations.

In a way, his job is first to understand the existing business processes and then to identify the underlying problems and seek solutions through data-based technologies to streamline the processes in order to increase profits. Data science is a continuation of sciences such as statistics, predictive analytics, machine learning and data mining.

Robotics engineer

Creating robots that will facilitate our daily lives is a profession that obviously has a future. So the robotics engineer builds robots to help people perform tasks that they either cannot or will not complete. Mostly, these robots are simple machines that help make tasks safer and easier. Because they are computer controlled, they are considered effective, especially in the manufacturing industry.

These professionals are utilized in sectors such as transport, industrial production and medicine. For example, many surgeries are now performed by robots that are handled by specialists through a console. Bureau statistics show that engineering involving robotic engineers will record, on average, an annual increase in employment of at least 4% over the next decade.

Materials Engineer

This professional focuses on everything related to the design, composition and development of materials used in a number of technological applications. From bioconventional materials with applications in the field of health to nanomaterials that can be utilized up to space. Understands how the processing and composition of a material affect its structure and how this relates to the properties of the material and its performance. Materials science also deals with the failure of materials and the understanding of the physical mechanisms that lead to it. A mechanical material is now necessary in the field of energy, building aeronautics, metallurgy or biomedicine.

3D designer

The object of his work is the design and construction of cartoons for commercial and advertising purposes. The so-called computer animation, is a technique that has made rapid progress in the last decade, utilizing perhaps more than any other IT sector the increase of the computing capacity of the processors. Thus, this specialist creates three-dimensional (3D) animations with the help of special computer programs that take advantage of the human eye's ability to retain the image in the retina even when it has disappeared from view. The creator of XNUMXD animation does not use real images but virtual simulations, the so-called wireframe models. These are mathematical representations of digital heroes, which determine their shape with the help of lines or arrows. The model is then processed based on a database. The addition of colors and perspective is done in the second stage, with the help of special shading programs.


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