Kakkouras: Manageable GPS problem due to conflicts in Israel

The problem comes from the interference created by the conflicts in Israel

Screenshot 4 16 GPS, Israel

The problem of affecting the GPS due to the conflicts in Israel is manageable so far, Andronikos Kakkouras, the Senior Electronic Communications Officer at the Deputy Ministry of Research and Innovation, told KYPE, noting that there is no way of countermeasures, i.e. with some other system to be able to deal with it

As Mr. Kakkouras said, the problem comes from the interference created due to the conflicts in Israel and part of the electronic warfare that exists is also the emissions of interference in the GPS frequency system.

We as Cyprus, he noted, due to the proximity of the distance we have with Israel and the armed conflict, any radio systems that use the GPS signal are also affected.

"We have interference with mobile telephony, terrestrial digital television and any other system that uses GPS, such as drone applications, for example. We have had cases where we have lost drones because the operators could not communicate with the drones due to the GPS problem,” he added.

The problem is not continuous, he noted. "It periodically appears and disappears but reappears at unspecified hours."

Unfortunately, he said, there is no way of countermeasures, that is, with some other system to be able to deal with it, but so far the problem is manageable, he concluded.