Star Trek: Captain Crack traveled in space

The oldest man to arrive "boldly where no one has ever been"

1634140885 James Tiberius Kirk Captain Crack, Star Trek

William Seatner, the actor who for decades played the role of "Governor James Timberius Kirk" in the cult Star Trek series and subsequent films, became the oldest man in his 90s to reach "boldly where no one has ever been."

The New Origin automated New Shepherd spacecraft was launched about 10 minutes before 18.00pm today from a rural area in western Texas and crossed the Carman Line, which, 100 kilometers from Earth, is the "border" of space.

The spacecraft is carrying three other passengers: two businessmen who paid for the trip and a company executive. The sub-orbital flight lasted just 11 minutes and the spacecraft returned safely to Earth with the help of three parachutes.