Three common dietary myths

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There are many myths about our diet and they are mainly about the habits we should or should not adopt in order to improve our health or lose weight.

Although some people see positive results in removing a whole group of foods from their diet or replacing a food that is rumored to be unhealthy with another, the dietary myths you will see below actually have no real benefits for most of us.

1. We should not eat a lot of fruit because they have sugar

Although most fruits actually have a significant amount of sugar, its specific form does not have the same harmful effects as the added white (processed) sugar. Diabetics should be especially careful with the sugar they consume, whether from fruit or any other source.

2. Vegetable milk is better than animal milk

A recent trend in nutrition has been to replace animal (eg cow's) milk with a vegetable one, such as coconut milk, soy milk or almond milk. Vegetable milk, according to experts, is a good alternative only for people who are lactose intolerant. Two key ingredients in animal milk, calcium and protein, are essential for the body and are found in minimal amounts in vegetable milk, so it's best not to skip it.

3. Diet is more important than exercise

When our goal is to lose weight, many people focus on their diet, leaving exercise aside. However, in order to create a calorie deficit in the body - therefore to reduce body weight - it is necessary not to live a sedentary life but to exercise regularly and generally stay physically active during the day. Therefore, in weight loss it is true that the measure is the best tactic to achieve the desired result.