Whether you have plenty of time or just half an hour, you can organize your kitchen in just a few steps. And put in order, so that it does not seem to be permanently in a mess.
See what is needed for its proper organization
Clean the counter
Find a new place to store all the appliances that you do not use in your daily life and that take up space on your kitchen counter. For example, if you wash the dishes by hand and do not use a dishwasher, then instead of placing the clean dishes on the counter on a towel, buy a stainless steel dish rack that will save you space.
Clear the cleaning products you have in the cupboard under the sink.
In this cupboard we have the trash can, usually all the housewives keep our cleaners. But is it time to dump her? Decide which ones you want to keep and which cleaners you want to throw away. Arrange the rest according to the type eg for the floor, for the dust etc.
Dispose of the drawers
Yes, these are the drawers we avoid opening to get something and we only open it to put! But is it "clogged" and now you do not know what is inside? So it is best to either drop them off at the warehouse, or give them away or throw them away
Rearrange the refrigerator.
We neglect it because in addition to being boring, it is also time consuming. But it is important to clean it because it is a matter of hygiene and proper food preservation.
First empty them and clean the inside either with a little dish detergent or of course with vinegar and water. With a sponge, thoroughly clean all surfaces and shelves. When finished, use a clean cloth or betex (with water only) to remove what is left on the shelves and finally wipe with a dry cloth or kitchen paper. Then you can put the products back in place. Now is the chance to throw away what is over or not "fills your eye" and not to throw it in the bite!