Clean the ceramic hobs of the kitchen in pi and fi

The ceramic hobs of the kitchen need daily cleaning and good. After each cooking even if fats have fallen on

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The ceramic hobs of the kitchen need daily cleaning and good. After each cooking and if grease has fallen on them, you should clean them immediately. Sometimes, cleaning them is not easy, while there is also the stress that you may cause some scratching.

However, there is a way to clean them naturally and even in pi and fi.

What to do: Once the hobs have cooled, soap them with a damp cloth or sponge (not the wire side) and rinse well to remove food debris.

You can also, for more shine, cut a lemon in half and rub it on the surface. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse with a cloth soaked in lukewarm water.

Finally, with a soft paper towel or a soft cloth, wipe them dry.
