The parts of the house that collect germs and your mind does not go

Inside the house there are surfaces and spots that are full of germs. And while some surfaces look pretty dirty to us, some

thehomeissue skoni02 germs

Inside the house there are surfaces and spots that are full of germs. And while some surfaces look pretty dirty to us, some are… beyond suspicion.

But which points are the ones that are most likely to have a high concentration of germs?

See below

Light switches

Few people think about it, but home switches usually have a lot of germs on them, for exactly the same reason as the phone.

Children's toys

It is no coincidence that daycare centers regularly disinfect the toys that children play with. Use an antibacterial cloth to clean them.


You may have heard that too. Computer keyboards are one of the most serious sources of germs in the home and workplace. It is not enough just to clean them with a cloth like children's toys. Turn it upside down and you will see that a lot of dirt will fall.

The handles on the doors and in the refrigerator

These are one of the obvious points. Just think how many times during the day each member of the family opens and closes the refrigerator door!
