On the occasion of the month of October, which is the month of Breastfeeding in Cyprus, and to inspire every mother who breastfeeds, the original action "Breastfeeding Everywhere" aims to promote and normalize the beautiful journey of breastfeeding.
It is a series of photos taken in 18 completely different places in which a mother may need to breastfeed.
From the supermarket to the airport, from the workplace to the gym and from the theater to the neighborhood park!
Every space has to give us the message that the gift of breastfeeding, along with its difficulties, is an exciting experience that is part of everyday life as long as the mother and the baby decide to experience it.
So with the support of the All-Cypriot Breastfeeding Association "Gift of Life" and the support of the "Mommy Cool" page, the photographer's lens Konstantinas Pavlou traveled with the mothers and captured the following snapshots.
Each shot has a different feel. Some focus on the simple daily routine while others demonstrate that breastfeeding a baby, a "journey" blessed and sacred, can indeed take place everywhere.