What to do in the kitchen today to be better tomorrow

The weekend is always something we look forward to, but during these two days, in addition to rest, you also have to do the housework. But come on, these pass quickly and the new week comes just as demanding as the previous one.

But if you spend some time in your kitchen and follow the tips below, your 24 hours will be much more carefree.

Prepare tomorrow's dinner and leave the instructions to the cook

Dinner should be a group decision and since men cook better than women but leave a kitchen as if a bomb had fallen inside, you girls have the solution! How about preparing dinner with the ingredients in their bowls so that your spouse can find it on the table the next day and save the lunch?

Move frozen food to the refrigerator

Do not wait until it is too late to thaw the meat you will eat tomorrow. When you plan to cook chicken, take out the frozen piece from the night before and place it in the fridge. That way, when you get back from work the next day it will be completely thawed and almost ready to eat.

Prepare a self-cooked breakfast

Wouldn't it be great to have a breakfast at the table every morning when you wake up? But since this happens sometimes, prefer for everyday a breakfast that does not want trouble. It can be yogurt with fruit, yogurt with cereals, Thessaloniki bun, toast and so on.

Wash and remove dinner dishes

Just as you wash your body at the end of the day to relax, you should wash the dishes and leave the kitchen counter clean. This way you will save time in the morning as you will not need to find equipment, eg a cup to drink your coffee.

Set the table in the evening

Stop wasting time in the morning putting on the table that you know in advance that you will need. The cereal bowl for example can be waiting for you. You can also prepare the cutlery set and the only thing you need to do the next day is to simply fill the cup with milk and cereal and slice the fruit.

Prepare the children's bag from the evening

But do not place it anywhere. The best part is where the kids get their breakfast. So immediately after the meal they will have with them everything they need to go to school.

You also have breakfast for school or office

For foods that do not need to be refrigerated, such as chips or some fruit, you can also prepare them in the evening to make breakfast easier. You can also slowly teach the children to prepare the tapers themselves.


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