The dirtiest object in the bathroom and how to clean it properly

Everyone knows that the bathroom is one of the most "dirty" rooms in the house, as it is a hotbed of many germs, some

mpanio toilet

Everyone knows that the bathroom is one of the most "dirty" rooms in the house, as it is a hotbed of many germs, some of which are quite dangerous. Intestinal pathogens such as Campylobacter, E.coil and others can harm your health. For this reason it must be cleaned thoroughly and regularly.

One of the dirtiest items in the bathroom, and in fact the dirtiest as the experts explain, is the scrubber while most do not take care to clean it properly and often. Poor maintenance of the pigeon increases the chances of transmission of gastrointestinal viruses and intestinal pathogens, while in addition, outbreaks of transmission and development of skin diseases can be created.

Frequent cleaning of the pigtail is necessary and for this reason you should be careful not to neglect it.

See how you can do it in simple steps:

Every two or three days a week, pour a cup of white vinegar into your basin and place the brush there for a few hours. Then rub the brush into the basin and pull the cistern so that it rinses well.

The acids of the vinegar will disinfect the brush and the basin and will expel the salts that are created inside the basin. For even greater disinfection, add a teaspoon of baking soda.
