Asimakopoulos will not keep the Survivor fee, he will give it to children with cancer

George Asimakopoulos had revealed that his brother had "gone" from cancer.

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According to the spoilers, George Asimakopoulos is probably the next player to leave Survivor and he is definitely a person who has been discussed a lot.

However, during his stay in the cooking reality show, he has confessed his personal story, as a few years ago he lost his brother, who was defeated by cancer.

Thus, according to the Alpha show, "Happy Day", George Asimakopoulos intends not to use his entire salary, but to give part of it to children who are fighting cancer.

"I am able to know because I talked to him before he left and now I can say it. "I could not say that for so long because the voting was in progress, but now all this is closed", said the show's journalist initially.

"George's desire for as long as he remained in the game and no matter how much money he earned, was to give a part of the amount he will collect to children with cancer. "I did not understand something then, but then we learned it through the game," he added.