The mistakes that many make with food and take risks

The main source of food poisoning remains the house despite the fact that we are more afraid of what we consume outside of it.

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The main source of food poisoning remains the house despite the fact that we are more afraid of what we consume outside of it. The bacteria associated with foodborne illness are mainly salmonella, Escherichia coli and Cappylobacterium.

Consumers, while largely aware of food safety issues, still do not take kitchen hygiene seriously enough.

See what are the most common mistakes we make when handling food at home.

Infection from an infected person

Sick family members should not touch the food as they can easily transmit pathogenic germs.

Insufficient cooling

Keep food frozen or frozen until consumed so that there is no risk of spoilage.

Use of contaminated utensils

Keep the surfaces clean and wash the utensils after use, especially if you have put raw meat in them.

Prepare well in advance

Eat immediately after preparation or reheating and do not leave the prepared food exposed.
