Traveling abroad: Everything pregnant women and children should be aware of

The biggest risks

aeroplano pregnant, Children, travel

A pregnancy or traveling with children doesn't necessarily take exotic destinations off the summer vacation map. To protect pregnant women and minors, the Office of Travel Medicine of the National Public Health Organization (EODY) provides, through the Health Guide for travelers abroad, the necessary information and recommendations for vulnerable groups in this regard.

Instructions for pregnant women

Pregnant women can travel provided they follow specific instructions:

See your doctor 4-6 weeks before departure.

Avoid air travel after 36 weeks of pregnancy. The safest time to travel is between 12 and 28 weeks. There are companies that do not allow travel at an even younger gestational age, so be sure to check accordingly

Long-term travel, regardless of the mode of transport, increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis.

It is recommended to use comfortable clothes and shoes, adjust the seat as far back as possible, use graduated pressure socks, good hydration as well as short stops or movements within the means of transport, as well as simple bending and extension exercises of the lower limbs.

Administration of vaccines containing live inactivated viruses, such as yellow fever, is contraindicated.

Follow the instructions regarding the safe consumption of water and food.
