The KSSE rapporteur for Famagusta begins contacts on Tuesday in Cyprus

He will meet with Christodoulidis and Annita Dimitriou

ammoxostos e1564135656906 exclusive, Famagusta, KSSE rapporteur

The Rapporteur of the Committee for Political Affairs and Democracy of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (CACE) for Famagusta will be on the island until May 16 and tomorrow at 10.00 am he is expected to be received by the PtD Nikos Christodoulidis.

As KYPE is informed, one hour later he will meet with the Speaker of the Parliament Annita Dimitriou.

Mr. Fassino's final report and resolution will be put to a vote by the Plenary, during the Third Part of the KSSE Session, next June.

As part of his visit, he will also have a working lunch with the members of the Cypriot delegation to the KSSE Giorgos Loukaidis and Christiana Erotokritou.

He will also have a meeting with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and Head of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, Colin Stewart.

Mr. Fassino will be accompanied by the Secretary of the Commission, Pavel Chevchenko.

Source: KYPE