Unprecedented action to legalize the occupation by the Municipality of Famagusta

In the description of the invitation, the illegal "municipality" refers to the Greek Municipality of Famagusta in the South

barwsi ammoxostos 1 exclusive, Municipality of Famagusta

In an unprecedented act of legalizing the occupation, the Municipality of Famagusta is taking a joint event with the illegal local authority of the pseudo-state.

It is a film festival, which, as stated in the invitation, aims to promote the reconciliation of the two communities.

In the invitation published by the illegal "municipality" of Famagusta there are logos of both the Municipality of Famagusta and the illegal "municipality". According to information from Sigma, this invitation would also be used by the Municipality of Famagusta.

It is obvious why this not only gives substance but also constitutes an indirect recognition of an illegal Municipality, as both its illegal name and its illegal logo are included in an official invitation.

In fact, in the description of the invitation the illegal "municipality" refers to the Greek Municipality of Famagusta in the South.

In the description it is stated that "Cypriot films" are organized with the cooperation of the "Municipality" of Famagusta, referring to the illegal "municipality" and the Greek Municipality in the South, as it calls the legal Municipality of the Republic.

However, the invitation caused stormy reactions and extraordinary meetings of the municipal groups. According to information from Sigma, this decision was not passed by the Municipal Council. Instead it was taken up by a committee dealing with bi-communal issues.

This was done more or less by the members of the Municipal Council, with reactions recorded by DISY, DIKO, ELAM, DIPA and EDEK, while the DISY team called an emergency meeting.

Disagreements are expressed both over the logos and over the mention of the name of the illegal "municipality" on the invitation. Relevant letters were sent from the municipal groups and announcements were made

In its announcement, ELAM emphasizes that the justification for references to the constitution regarding two separate municipalities is absurd. And it is an issue that had been opened in the past with him

After all this the media invitation arrived today but the logos have been removed but the name of the illegal "municipality" remains.

In Sigma's communication with the Mayor of Famagusta, he stated that this does not constitute recognition.

Film Festival GR exclusive, Municipality of Famagusta

However, these are very serious issues, which should be handled by the Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and not by local Lords.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, when asked to position itself for this event, referred to the Mayor of Famagusta.

In fact, when asked if they had any information about the issue earlier, the Ministry's Spokesperson responded with no comment.

With this data, we can only conclude that the Ministry was not aware of this fact, while Sigma's information says that not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but also no other state official was aware of this move.

Source: sigmalive