Vacancies in the Municipality of Ayia Napa

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CC6B5D56 0FC7 4548 8531 13C0D5EC2236 exclusive, AGIA NAPA, Job Position

The Municipality of Ayia Napa is accepting applications until January 20, 2023 at 12:00 p.m., for the recruitment of the corresponding number of temporary - seasonal workers of general duties for a construction crew - dog truck drivers and street cleaners to meet the needs of the Municipality of Ayia Napa for the below positions with the corresponding salary per specialty:

3 Hound Guides
D8 1st Tier i.e. €1.465,35 basic
gross monthly salary including rate.
(See Note: 1 for a 10% reduction)

5 General Duties Workers for a Construction Workshop
D5 1st Tier i.e. €1.234,16 basic
gross monthly salary including rate.
(See Note: 1 for a 10% reduction)

3 Street sweepers D3 1st Tier i.e. €1072,09 basic
gross monthly salary including rate.
(See Note: 1 for a 10% reduction)

Note 1: It is noted that in accordance with the provisions of article 10 of the Regulation of the Employment of Permanent and Fixed-Term Employees in the Public Service Law of 2016 (70(I)/2016), hourly (regular and seasonal) staff will be employed with reduced admission scale of 10% for the first 24 months from their initial/first employment as hourly (labour or seasonal) staff in the Municipality.

The applications with all relevant certificates according to the above qualifications should be in a sealed envelope and delivered to the Office of the Secretariat of the Municipality of Ayia Napa.

9AB641CC FF7F 464D 87D9 79B97463656F exclusive, AGIA NAPA, Job Position