The friends of Martinos, Nikolas and Irenaios who lost their lives in the fatal traffic accident in Frenaros are organizing a 10 km road race and at the same time collecting food for Needy Families in their memory.
See the post of Nikolas Prodromos:
On Saturday, January 18 at 14:00 p.m., the friends of Martinos, Nikolas and Irenaios, in consultation with the families of our fraternal friends, are organizing our first 10 km marathon in their memory and at the same time collecting food for needy families in the district us.
We invite everyone who can attend either to run with us, or to accompany the motorcycle procession from the beginning to the end of our course. Either to contribute all together to support with food in memory of our fraternal friends needy Families of our Province. Long-life foods and essential items such as (lentils, beans, Koflex, spaghetti, long-life milk, baby food, biscuits, broths, juices, flour, rice, pudding, tomato juice, sugar, tea, vermicelli, eggs, pretzels, household cleaners, toilet paper, bleaches, soaps, shampoos, washing powder, sponges etc.)
The meeting point will be at the Frenarous Cemetery at 13:30 p.m. From 13:30 – 16:30 food will be collected in the forecourt of the Cemetery outside.
The Procession will start from the Cemetery at 14:00 and will have as its destination Panagia Asprovouuniotissa where we will all chant the Pater Hymon together, light our candles and from there we will receive the Icons of St. Martin, St. Nicholas and St. Irenaeus where we will already have placement and we will return back initially to the house of our fraternal friend Martinos to light a candle and we will let's all sing the Pater Hymon together, then at the house of our brotherly friend Nikolas let's light a candle and we will all sing the Pater Hymon together, then at the house of our fraternal friend Irenaios and we will all sing the Pater Hymon together and finally we will return back to Cemetery where we will deliver the Images of the Saints in Memory of our Fraternal friends Martinos, Nikolas and Irenaeus in Families. There we will all sing together the Pater Hymon and finally the National Anthem and we will leave.
The Food Collection will normally be held from 13:30 until 16:30.
Eternally your memory, our Leventes. You never left and we're never going to let you go. You will always live in us. In our dreams, in our conversations, in our hearts.
Because Angels always celebrate with Angels.
Your eternity or memory.
Your Fraternal Friends ………
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