A fatal road collision that occurred shortly after midnight, in the province of Famagusta, resulted in the fatal injury of three young people.
It is about two 20-year-olds, Mr Martin March (co-driver) and the Irenaeus Adamou (passenger), as well as the 18-year-old Nikola Koutsou (passenger), all from Frenaros.
From the collision, two more young people (18 and 22 years old) were transported injured to the General Hospital of Famagusta, where they are expected to undergo surgery.
Read also: FRENAROS: Triple fatal – Three young men from Frenaros are dead (PICTURE)
According to the data under consideration, at 20 minutes after midnight, a car driven by a 44-year-old man, along Archiepiskopou Makariou III Street in Frenaros, at some point of the road, under circumstances that are being investigated, collided with a car driven by an 18-year-old man and in which there were also four young people on board.
The Famagusta General Hospital was visited by both the 44-year-old driver of the first vehicle, as well as another young person who was riding in it, who, after receiving first aid, were discharged.
The Famagusta Traffic Police continues the examinations.