The "Neighborhood Social Worker" Program has been operational since December 2024 in the Municipality of Paralimni - Deryneia, which is implemented by the Social Welfare Services of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare in collaboration with the Municipality of Paralimni - Deryneia, as part of the all-Cypriot implementation of the European, co-financed program of strategic importance "The Social Worker of the Neighborhood".
The Mayor of Paralimni - Deryneia Mr. Giorgos Nikolettos had the opportunity to meet in his office with the two Social Workers, Ms. Zambela Eleftheriou who will be responsible for the Municipal District of Paralimni and Ms. Kendia Markou, responsible for the Municipal Districts of Deryneia, Frenarous and Aheritou as well as with the Their supervisor, Mrs. Maria Apostolidou, with whom the ways of implementing the program in the municipal apartments were discussed.
The institution of the Neighborhood Social Worker, placed in municipalities and communities, aims to reduce the distance between the citizen and state services, acting as the first point of reference in approaching the problems of our vulnerable fellow human beings, families and groups, who may they need psychosocial support, not knowing how to seek help and/or in which ways they can be helped.
The Neighborhood Social Worker will strengthen and further strengthen the cooperation between the State and Local Government, through the timely and immediate identification of social challenges and their treatment, both at the local level and individually. Ensuring respect for human dignity, diversity and the principle of equality for all citizens, it will tackle key social issues such as loneliness, delinquent behaviour, social exclusion, while at the same time providing support to families, children, the elderly, people with disabilities etc.
To arrange an appointment and information call:
Municipal District of Paralimni: tel. 99361884
> Municipal Apartments, Deryneia, Frenarous and Acheritou: tel. 99274058
(Monday – Friday 08:00-16:00)
The "Neighborhood Social Worker" Program is part of the "Restructuring of Social Welfare Services" project which is being implemented within the framework of the "Thalia 2021-2027" Cohesion Policy Program with EU Co-financing.