SOTIRA: Complaint about animals in cisterns by environmentalists

"Placing animals or birds as a prize is an illegal act"

kazanti exclusive, Complaint, Environmentalists Movement

Yesterday, members of the Action Group for Animals of the Environmental Movement filed a complaint with the Police, as they found that animals and birds were being used as prizes in the cauldron at a festival in Sotira.

According to the announcement, "placing animals or birds as a prize is an illegal act, according to at least two pieces of legislation"

Unfortunately, it continues, the Police treats complaints with tolerance, especially in the area of ​​Kokkinohoria. "It is limited to recommendations or at best a fine of €80".

The Environmental Movement calls on the Chief of Police to give strict instructions to local police stations to strictly implement the law.

“The use of animals and birds as prizes constitutes degradation and abuse and must be dealt with decisively. What are the veterinary services doing which - supposedly - are responsible for the welfare of animals?"