10,1 million SMS for Happy New Year

smsGiortes 300x200 Cyta: 10,1 million SMS for Happy New Year

Millions of SMS messages were sent again this year by Cyta customers, utilizing technology to express their wishes for a Happy New Year, after according to data from the Cytamobile-Vodafone service, 10,1 million messages were recorded… 

More specifically, the text messages sent by Cyta customers are as follows:

A total of 18 million messages were sent from 00:12 on Saturday night, New Year's Eve, until 00:2 noon on Monday, January 2012, 10,1.

7,0 million messages were counted for New Year's Day.

In the first hour of 2012, Cyta customers sent 1,4 million SMS, ie an average of 376 per second, with a maximum sending of up to 568 messages per second at 00:24:58 (00:16:35).

From 24/12/2011, Christmas Eve, until 12:00 noon on Monday, January 2, 2012, a total of 40,5 million messages were sent.

It is worth noting that, despite the increased traffic on SMS messages, especially between 23:45 - 01:15, on January 1, 2012, the Cyta service responded fully, without any delay in receiving the messages.

Under normal circumstances, about 3,4 million messages are sent on a normal day.

Source: OnlyCY.com