What do we eat when it's cold?

What foods protect us and fill us with energy

The sudden drop in temperature makes our body more vulnerable to viruses and other diseases, as the immune system is strained. Filling our plate with the following foods will fill us with energy and protect us…

It is a rich source of antioxidants, such as polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins, and is considered a real shield against seasonal flu, but also strains of viruses such as H1N1. At the same time, it contains significant amounts of iron, selenium, vitamin C (1 pomegranate covers 40% of the recommended daily….
amounts of iron, selenium, vitamin C (1 pomegranate covers 40% of the recommended daily allowance) and folic acid. Its juice is considered essential after exercise, as it improves circulation and reduces heart burden. Recent studies have also shown that it can protect against skin cancer.

It is the only fruit from which we can not remove the stones. But we can drink its juice.
A medium pomegranate contains 105 calories.

They contain abundant minerals and trace elements, such as potassium, which helps the proper functioning of the heart muscle and the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. They are an excellent source of phosphorus, have a high content of copper (100 grams of mushrooms cover half of the recommended daily intake), while zinc strengthens the immune system. Due to their high selenium content, they are also considered to have anti-cancer activity.

They act like sponges, absorbing everything from the earth, the best but also the worst. In some cases they are heavy metal carriers. So, it would be good to know their origin and avoid collecting them yourself, in case your knowledge is not enough.
20 calories per 100 grams.

Rich source of calcium (93 mg per 100 g, covering about 10% of the recommended daily allowance) and vitamin C (110 mg per 100 g, covering 100% of the daily requirement). Ideal for those who do not like or should avoid dairy products.

Its taste does not suit every taste. If you do not like boiling, try adding it to a white pasta sauce.

35 calories per 100 grams

An excellent source of omega-3 fats (7,5 g per 100 grams cover 700% of daily needs), which help the heart to function properly. Nuts can replace dairy products for those who for some reason can not consume them.

Because they are high in calories, they need a measure. They should not exceed one handful per day.

560 calories per 100 grams (one nut is about 5 grams)

They are even more filling than meat, a quality that most legumes have. The high fiber content (4 g per 100 grams covers about 15% of daily needs) contributes to good absorption of nutrients and good digestion. Also, the glycemic index in lentils is low, which means that this way the blood sugar and insulin levels increase gradually and not abruptly. Their content of vitamin B and magnesium (32 mg per 100 g, 9% of daily needs) is also important. In other words, it is a food source with miraculous properties in terms of good heart function and immune boosting.

It can cause bloating and intolerance in some people.

90 calories per 100 grams (cooked).

Source: ygeianews.gr

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