Recipe of Vassilopita by Jenny Balatsinou

New Year is not possible without the traditional royal pie!
Welcome the new year and mold it in order to fulfill all your wishes. Be careful, do not forget the coin! Read the recipe… 

Or a kilo of flour
250 gr. fresh butter
4 eggs
2 cup sugar
1 cup milk
Juice and zest of 1 orange
2 teaspoons of sweet baking powder
60 gr. walnut kernels
Or glass of cognac wine
½ κουτ. of sweet cinnamon powder
A little nutmeg powder
1 vanilla powder capsule

First beat the butter with the sugar in the mixer until you get a smooth mixture. Then add the remaining ingredients and mix until you get a uniform mixture. Butter a round pan, pour in the king pie mixture and bake at 180OC for 45 minutes. To see if it is ready, dip a knife and if it comes out clean, then it is time to take it out. Remove and place on a platter. Improvise in the decoration! You can cover it with powdered sugar, pomegranates and whatever else you want.

• Cover the coin with foil and place it either at the beginning, baking the king pie in the oven, or when you take it out, press and put it somewhere on the back.