Homeland-Religion and their importance in shaping National Consciousness

By Chrysostom Luke *

The history of every people in time has shown countless struggles. These struggles stemmed from the need, the human thirst for freedom. Man was born to live free both in body and spirit…

Every time they tried to deprive him of this supreme good, he rebelled and rebelled. Here comes freedom to overlap with homeland. Where the struggle for freedom concerns the ideal called homeland…

Homeland, a trisyllabic in a deeper sense. For some it is a source of inspiration, for others the trigger to engage with the public or to indulge in a study. A geographical designation of each nation. But it has always been the reason to turn ordinary people, Amoustak children into heroes. To face death with a smile, to reduce their ego and to become a sacrifice in this beautiful country called HOMELAND!

Somewhere within these terms comes the term religion. Looking at the past we see the need for man to seek a higher power to rely on. A button, a drop of hope a source of inner joy. For us Greeks, this is fully reflected in Christianity. The power of God pushed Hellenism to write the most brilliant pages of its history. Where to start and where to stop? From the epic of the '40s, the struggle of EOKA before our National polygenesis that offered countless pages of glory and heroism in our national portfolio.

It's nice to bless our beards, but we have to look at the other side of the coin. The sacred legacy left to us by our ancestors was left to crawl on the highest shelves of our consciousness. Today's young people have ended up indifferent or indulging in the appetites of the party youth. Only sadness is the fact that a twenty-year-old is completely indifferent to our national issues. Their indifference and sheepishness leave Hellenism in the hands of the few opportunists who recklessly and then provocatively do not even apologize. Wrapping the thread of the problem I will try to address some, in my opinion, causes that led us to this situation.

First of all, the socialization bodies have a great responsibility. The family, the school, instead of directing the young in the right way, that is, giving him the impetus to look for, left him a victim of the unhealthy standards of television and western culture. Second, the dirty political system, give and take, leaves the young frustrated, consistently angry with the denial of his own homeland. It makes him an inactive citizen and he reciprocates either by declaring complete indifference or by trying to play this dirty toy himself. Finally, another important reason is to turn away from God. The incompetence and scandals of the church made the youth consider our religion something rotten aimed at money and fame, disregarding the good of its flock. They may not be able to reach the youth properly or some priests may not have the skills to inspire young people.

Hellenism lacks great leaders. People who raise our national mindset, give us hope. We are on the ropes and we try not to fall down. In the past, our thirst for freedom, faith in God and patriotism made us go beyond the simple limits of reason. We need to start this search again that will get us on the right track. To be close to God again to have the joy that he offers us. In this way we will be able to remove the young people who rule us, being nationally aware citizens and with a national crisis. It is the least we can do if we want to survive as Hellenism in this storm of anti-Hellenism that prevails worldwide.

* Chrysostomos Loukas - Medical Student

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