Six natural elixirs for flu and cold

Do you suffer from the flu or the common cold? One of the most important things to do when you are sick is to replenish your body fluids. Hydration with water is essential, but the following natural elixirs will take you one step further. Each contains healthy ingredients that relieve symptoms and will help you feel better in a short time.

Apple cider vinegar

If you suffer from runny nose the extremely annoying numbness can subside with inhalations with apple cider vinegar. It miraculously dilutes the accumulated mucus and helps to decongest the stuffy nose.

A 1: 1 ratio with boiled water will create a strong solution. You can also add cayenne pepper which has anti-inflammatory action, while vinegar strengthens your immune system.

Cranberry juice

Actress Nikki Reed swears that cranberry juice is a mini daily detox. In fact, because it is rich in antioxidants it is a "cure" for the flu. Cranberry and lemon juice cleanse the liver and kidneys and remove toxins from the body.


For nasal congestion and sore throat, we love ginger and lemon tea. This recipe is also a must for the upset stomach!

Drink with turmeric

This mixture of turmeric with almond milk is an ancient Indian drink that has antimicrobial properties that can stop viruses (such as common respiratory infections) before they wreak havoc on your immune system. This drink can also work wonders if your stomach is upset or you suffer from nausea. The ingredients are:

3 cups almond milk
1 teaspoon turmeric
Or teaspoon ginger powder
½ teaspoon of cardamom,
Cayenne pepper
2-3 cloves
Or teaspoon of cinnamon powder

Put the ingredients in a saucepan and slowly heat the milk, without boiling. Add honey to the cup and ready.

Antioxidant juice

Packed with vitamin C, this juice has the power to heal sore throats and soothe the stomach. To create an antioxidant juice you will need fruits and vegetables such as beets, carrots, apples, oranges, grapefruits, pears and pomegranates.

Drink from water, orange, honey and cinnamon

Apart from the fact that in addition to awakening the metabolism, it is ideal for runny nose and sore throat.

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