Foods that cause drowsiness during the day

CEB1 130 News, Research, Food
CEB1 478 News, Research, Food

Researchers have studied and finally discovered the relationship between diet and drowsiness that some people experience during the day.

The results of the research showed that some specific foods are responsible for how much and when we fall asleep during the day.

According to research, men who follow fatty diets are more likely to feel drowsy during the day, report sleep problems at night and are also more likely to suffer from apnea while sleeping. These are the results of a study examining the relationship between high fat diets and sleep.

Overall, among those who provided data on their diet and sleep, 41% of men surveyed reported daytime drowsiness, while 47% had poor sleep quality at night.

About 54% had mild to moderate and 25% moderate to severe sleep apnea, which was assessed by a sleep quality study in those who had not been diagnosed with apnea. "Poor sleep quality and sleepiness during the day means that one does not have enough energy, which in turn increases the craving for foods rich in carbohydrates and fats, the consumption of which is associated with poor sleep quality. . "In short, the pattern of poor diet and poor sleep can turn into a vicious circle," said a member of the research team.
