Overall results for Municipal Councilors

Dimotikoi Symvouloi News, Elections 2011, Nea Famagusta
DimotikoiSymvouloi News, Elections 2011, Nea Famagusta

The first results for the total percentages for the factions in the Municipal Councilors show a clear victory of the Democratic Alarm with 54%, while second is DIKO with 22%. Waiting for the nominal results of the Municipal Councilors, we present the results so far…

Registered: 3547
Voted: 3187 (89,74%)
Abstention: 360 (10,15%)
Valid: 3066 (96,2%)
Invalid: 80 (2,51%)
White: 41 (1,29%)

Democratic Alarm (DISY): 1645 (53,65%)
Democratic Party (DIKO)
AKEL: 212 (6,91%)
EDEK: 195 (6,36%)
"Above all the Savior": 172 (5,61%)
“Independent movement Savior”: 141 (4,6%)
Resurrection Resurrection (Independent): 13 (0,42%)

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