This is how we use car air conditioning economically

Summer is literally just around the corner and logically more and more we will use our car air conditioning system, which, not many years ago, was the prerogative only of expensive models, while now it is considered a given even to the cheapest. |

Apart from the element of comfort, especially in the hot and long summer of our country, the air-condition is one of the largest consumers of energy, as its use can increase consumption by up to 1 liter for every 100 kilometers.

But if some simple rules are followed, the burden can be significantly lower.

So, before we start, we open the windows to let go of the hot, very hot air that is trapped inside the car, especially if it was parked in the sun. If we are in a hurry, we do the first kilometers with the windows open, and then, by activating the air conditioning, he will be able to lower the temperature inside more comfortably and quickly to the desired levels.

But what should these levels be?

At what temperature should the air-condition of our car be regulated, if of course there is this possibility? A correct choice is around 23 to 25 degrees Celsius, in order not to get hot, but also not to flank, since the air conditioning of the car is one of the first causes of cooling in summer. So be careful not to be hit directly by the cold air current, adjusting the air ducts accordingly, while if you choose a lower temperature than the one mentioned above, you will not achieve more coolness. And this is because it is impossible with outside temperature e.g. 40 degrees Celsius the air-condition to reduce it inside the car to 20.

The only thing that will succeed in this case, is to force it to work continuously, resulting in increased consumption.

If you are planning to buy a new car, keep in mind that according to measurements by the German car club ADAC, the most expensive electronically controlled air conditioning systems are usually the ones that cost less on average consumption. Also, their most efficient operation, once the desired temperature has been selected, is Auto.

Beyond that, if you have noticed that when the air conditioning in your car is activated an unpleasant odor appears, this is due to the fact that fungi and bacteria have been created in its circuit.

 The solution is to clean it with special chemicals, and then, to avoid something similar in the future, you should turn off the air conditioning 10 minutes before you reach your destination and turn off the engine.

Thus, the water that has emerged as a condensate, manages to be completely removed and there is no suitable soil for the growth of the microorganisms mentioned.


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