What happens when we "crack" our fingers?

a 232 ρευναResearch, Life
a 232 ρευναResearch, Life

The habit of "breaking" the joints of the fingers, but also the joints in general, is perhaps as much fun as breaking the blisters made of plastic wrap. As lifo.gr publishes, in this video we see if and to what extent this habit is innocent, if it is harmful to the joints and what is this characteristic noise that is heard when we do it.

The synovial fluid, a substance that looks like a lubricant, is located between the joints while a gas is released when, for example, we stretch the joints.

 This forms a gas bubble, which bursts causing the sound of "breaking", with which many shudder. As to whether this habit is harmful, there is the study of researcher Donald Unger - he received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2009.

He himself, after "breaking" the joints of his left hand, not his right, for at least 60 years, concluded that this habit does not cause arthritis.

Source: www.lifo.gr