Unimaginable things: They sent to the earthquake victims unwashed underwear, wedding dresses and carnival costumes

"Please. Do not send rags and rubbish »

seismopliktoi ARKALOCHORI, Crete, EARTHQUAKE

Its inhabitants are faced with unimaginable behaviors Arkalochori trying to pick up their pieces from the eruption of the eclipse a few days ago.

This is because some people combined solidarity with… scrapping, sending it to its earthquake victims Crete that the human mind can not imagine to help them.

Inside all the goods they sent to Arkalochori, the volunteers found old and torn clothes, unwashed underwear and even carnival costumes and wedding dresses! In a relevant post, the Archimandrite Agathangelos Giannarakis writes: «Dear brothers and sisters, helping my fellow man means respecting his dignity and his need. You have sent us many tons of useless clothes, carnival costumes, wedding dresses, blankets, torn tights, unwashed underwear, torn sheets, thousands of torn shoes. I help means I respect, I do not scrape a loft, a closet. There are recycling bins. Respect. Hundreds of volunteers try to sort out clothes while they could do something else. Please. Do not send rags and rubbish».


via: Gazzetta