Vitriol attack - 15 years in prison for Efi

ioanna efh 2 1 1 attack with vitriol

Efi Kakaranzoula was unanimously sentenced by the Mixed Jury Court to the maximum sentence provided by the Penal Code for the crime of attempted murder, writing the titles at the end of the much-praised trial.

The court sentenced the accused to 15 years in prison for attempted murder and another 6 months for the offense of disobedience.

The judges did not recognize any mitigation, not even that of the previous honest life, as requested by her defense through her lawyer Sakis Kechagioglou.

The previous prosecutor's proposal was similar. efi5 1 1 attack with vitriol

Earlier, the Athens Jury Court unanimously found the perpetrator guilty of the attempted murder with possible deceit in a calm state of mind for the attack with vitriol against Ioanna Paliospyrou.

They burst into tears

Upon hearing the verdict, Ioanna's friends who were outside the court burst into tears. Subsequently, the court unanimously ruled that the defendant should not be granted the mitigation of legal life, which she requested through her lawyer Sakis Kechagioglou.

The prosecutor suggested that the accused be sentenced to 15 years and 6 months in prison for disobedience.

Earlier, the prosecutor of the headquarters, Charalambos Mastorantonakis, asked the court not to recognize the specific mitigation in the accused.

According to the prosecutor, the lawful life of the perpetrator is proven primarily by the absence of convictions from his criminal record, which is a presumed presumption.

The reasoning of the prosecutor

According to the prosecutor, legal life is not identified with the white criminal record, but with the essential respect for the state-protected legal goods, so that the crime committed is the only contradiction. png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mNkYAAAAAYAAjCB0C8AAAAASUVORK5CYII= επίθεση με βιτριόλι

Mr. Mastorantonakis also stated that the request for recognition of mitigation of the 36-year-old is unfounded because it turned out that the accused for a year was watching the victim and the 40-year-old Nontas with whom she had an occasional relationship without commitments.

Criminal plan

"In her apology, she said that she was watching both Ioanna and Epameinondas. "This fact shows a substantial diversion, fraudulent and calculated execution of her criminal plan in order to carry out her vengeful purpose as it turned out," the prosecutor stressed and added:

"This behavior does not constitute a criminally assessed behavior but it nullifies the meaning of the previous legal life."

Concluding, the prosecutor said: "Her guilt as the court ruled without the recognition of any mitigating circumstances."