Shocked 35-year-old suspect "I wanted to see firefighters running to put out the fires"

4432744 Arson, ARREST, Attiki Fires

The 35-year-old was arrested in the early hours of the morning, accused of 5 arsons

A man who was setting fires in the area of ​​Marathon, while the deadly fire in Mati had not yet been extinguished, was arrested in the early hours of the morning after being chased by police, a few minutes after he had set fire to another plot of land in the Rizari area.

READ ALSO: A 35-year-old man was arrested for arson in Marathon

He is a 35-year-old man who allegedly stated that… "he liked to set fire and watch the firefighters run to put it out".

In total, the 35-year-old, P.A. of N., had set five fires with a lighter, in dry grass, in plots in the area of ​​Rizari, two of which on July 26, at the time of the great tragedy in Mati.

These fires were also mentioned by the Deputy Minister of Civil Protection, Nikos Toskas, in the interview last Thursday, emphasizing that these were arson actions and investigations were being carried out to locate the perpetrator.

Finally today at dawn, some people saw the 35-year-old setting another fire on dry grass and alerted the Police.

DIAS men who arrived at the scene, and patrolled, chased the perpetrator, who tried to escape, but failed. The police handed him over to the officers of the Arson Crimes Directorate and the investigation department of the Nea Makri Fire Brigade, who also rushed to the scene, and the 35-year-old took the road to Justice, accused of arson on purpose and for disobedience to the principles.