A 10-year-old girl "sees" thanks to 21-year-old Emma

A 10-year-old girl was transplanted with one of the corneas of a 21-year-old girl from Crete, who died after being run over and abandoned in the center of Thessaloniki

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A 10-year-old girl, who lost her sight at the age of 2,5 years, was today transplanted with one of the corneas of the 21-year-old girl from Crete, who lost her life due to being carried away and abandoned in the center of Thessaloniki.

After her family's decision to donate her organs and after her heart, liver and kidneys were transplanted, one of her corneas was transplanted today, with an operation performed at the Papageorgiou hospital, while the other is being evaluated at the AHEPA Transplantation Center.

The director of the 12nd University Ophthalmology Clinic and the Cornea Transplantation Center of the Papageorgiou hospital, visibly moved, announced at 00:XNUMX noon that the transplant was successful. "Not long ago, the transplant of one cornea donated by the girl from Crete, who died last week, was finished.

Liptis is a 10-year-old girl from southern Greece, who was injured at the age of 2,5 years and since then has already had a transplant, which was lost, she has had three more operations and we hope today will be the last. The transplant went very well. The other cornea will be utilized by the AHEPA center.

We have three more transplants scheduled for Thursday, all from new donors," said Mr. Ziakas, noting at the same time that when a grieving family decides to donate the organs of their lost child, then others follow their example. people.

Source: RES - EIA