Testimony of a woman in Evros: The Turks pushed us to two islands (VIDEO)

Testimony of a woman from the total of 38 migrants who were found on an islet in Evros within Turkish territory and are finally on Greek soil

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The testimony of one woman out of a total of 38 migrants who were found on an islet in Evros within Turkish territory and are finally on Greek soil is seeing the light of day.

The woman reveals the behavior of the Turks who used this group of immigrants to put pressure on Greece.
Specifically, as reported by Channel 4, Baida, a member of the group of immigrants, revealed that the Turks pushed them twice to islets in the Evros, separating them "as if in a football match". As he typically says: "The Turks separated us twice. We were 50 people who were deported from Turkey to a Greek island. Then the Turks pushed us to a second island and threw many people to this island and separated us as if we were in a football match, between the two sides, the Greek and the Turkish."

Watch the video:


At the same time, these statements by the immigrant, who in the past period with her posts and photos gave the impression of the drama that the group of immigrants lived on Turkish soil, were also officially recorded by the Greek authorities as revealed yesterday the Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Notis Mitarakis, after his visit to the Fylaki Prison in Evros.

The Minister of Immigration and Asylum has gone to the KYT Detention Center in Evros, since the morning, for the 38 immigrants who crossed into Greek territory, initially reporting that "a group of 38 immigrants, 35 Syrians and 3 Palestinians who entered Greek territory was found. According to their statement, they entered Greek territory for the first time on August 14. They hid for a day, then sent their mark. When they were tracked down by the Greek authorities, they mobilized, the group was found, taken to the police station, we provided medical treatment, they are all very healthy. A pregnant woman was taken to the hospital as a precaution, they are in good health."

"The second very important thing that emerges", as he said, "from their statements, they came to the Turkish side of the river, they were pushed towards the islet by the Turkish authorities. Officially, the Turkish authorities arrested these migrants inside Turkey, they did not give them the right to apply for international protection, as Turkey is bound to do by international law. On the contrary, the Turkish Gendarmerie brought them to the banks of the Evros and with the threat of violence forced them to come to Greece."

Then, he stated that "the third thing I want to say is that from the statements it appears that a 5-year-old child lost his life on Turkish soil and this is unpleasant. We will move through the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent so that the child's body can be found on the Turkish island and buried with dignity by her family", assuring that no child is in danger.

Source: First Topic