Compensation totaling 905.000 euros to the relatives of Eleni Topaloudi from the Albanian, who at the age of 19 was one of the two who murdered her in November 2018. was awarded by the Single-Member Court of First Instance of Rhodes, recognizing their deep mental anguish and insurmountable pain.
The crime took place in Pefki, Lindos, Rhodes, where the two perpetrators, a 19-year-old Albanian and a 21-year-old Greek, first raped and tortured Eleni for three hours, then tried to clean up the crime scene and finally took her to an isolated location. There, they threw her alive from a cliff into the sea, causing her death by drowning, while she was already seriously injured and in a semi-comatose state. The perpetrators were irrevocably sentenced, after the rejection of their appeal, to life imprisonment for the murder and to 15 years in prison. They have not been recognized as having any mitigating factors.
Eleni's parents, Ioannis Topaloudis and Kyriaki Armoutidou, her brother, her grandmother and other relatives, have appealed to the civil court claiming compensation for the mental anguish they suffered. Their lawsuit, filed under Article 932 of the Civil Code, highlights the unprecedented brutality of the acts, as well as the deceit and methodicality with which the perpetrators attempted to conceal their criminal actions.
The court, in its decision, considered the lawsuit as not filed against the Greek defendant and his father, as the lawsuit, as it turned out, had not been served on them legally. The lawsuit against the father of the Albanian defendant was also rejected and accepted against him.
It thus obliges the Albanian murderer and rapist to pay the following amounts:
-240.000 euros to the father, Ioannis Topaloudis
-240.000 euros to the mother, Kyriaki Armoutidou
-200.000 euros to Eleni Topaloudi's brother
-100.000 euros to Eleni Topaloudi's grandmother
-100.000 euros to the heirs of Eleni Topaloudi's grandfather
-25.000 euros to each of Eleni Topaloudi's uncles
The decision was declared provisionally enforceable, ensuring immediate redress, even if partial, for the plaintiffs.
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