The forensic examination is shocking: He shot the parents in the head and drowned the children

Creepy details about the quadruple murder in Greece - Manhunt for the perpetrator

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DNA traces have been sampled in order to use this information to identify the perpetrator.

The forensic examination of the bodies of the four members of the family from Andravida, who were murdered inside their house last Wednesday, was completed this afternoon in Patras.

As the head of the forensic service of Patras, Angeliki Tsiola, told the Athenian-Macedonian News Agency, "both the body of the 32-year-old father and the body of the 37-year-old mother had head injuries from a short-barreled firearm."

Cause of death of children is suffocation

Regarding the two children, aged three and two respectively, Ms. Tsiola told APE-MPE that "the cause of death of both is suffocation by blocking the outer openings of the airways", while regarding the time of death of both four members of the family, said that "from the time of the first autopsy at home, that is, at about 9:30 last Wednesday night, it was about four and a half to five hours from the time of death."

DNA traces

DNA traces have also been sampled in order to use this information to identify the perpetrator.

Meanwhile, the Police continues the investigations to locate a man, a resident of Andravida, who is considered a "key" person for the investigation of the case and his traces have been missing since last Wednesday night.

At the same time, police officers continue to receive deposits from people who are likely to know something and could help the progress of investigations, while the results of laboratory examinations are expected from the data found at home and the warehouse where the four Serres had been identified.