The issue of electing a President in Greece has entered the final stretch, with Kyriakos Mitsotakis announcing his proposal either on Wednesday or Thursday, preceded by his meeting scheduled for tomorrow with the President of the Republic, Katerina Sakellaropoulou.
The Greek Prime Minister has not publicly clarified his intentions as he weighs the pros and cons of each option. A person from the center-right, someone from the center-left, a non-political personality of wide acceptance or a renewal of Ms. Sakellaropoulou's term, are the four possibilities. The first case ensures Mr. Mitsotakis party cohesion as there will be no leaks from the ND Parliamentary Group in the upcoming vote. If Mr. Mitsotakis is led to this option, the person who seems to be winning the battle is the current Speaker of the Parliament, Konstantinos Tasoulas.
On the other hand, a person from the center-left would secure broader consensus, as he could also be voted for by PASOK. In such a case, the person expected to be nominated is Evangelos Venizelos.
The Prime Minister of Greece is expected to announce his decision in a statement no later than Thursday.
It is recalled that the election of the President of the Republic requires over 200 votes in the first two ballots in Parliament, 180 in the third and 151 in the fourth.
Source: KYPE