Tempi: The first contracted stationmaster of Larisa is in court today

The contract stationmaster who had the afternoon shift at the Larissa station, on the day of the fatal train tragedy in Tempe, apologizes to the Special Appellate Investigator today

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Today, the contracted station master who had the afternoon shift at the Larissa station, on the day of the fatal train tragedy in Tempe, apologizes to the Special Appellate Investigator.

The other station master, who is also a permanent employee of the OSE, is going to appear before the investigator tomorrow, Tuesday, March 28. This is the oldest station master whose shift ended at 11pm but reportedly left earlier.

At the same time, the traffic inspector is expected to apologize next week.

The stationmasters are charged with felony obstruction of traffic, manslaughter and aggravated assault.

What will they support in their apologies?

According to what has become known, the contract worker is expected to argue that his shift ended at 10 pm and that he left at 10:15, as he is not entitled to overtime.

The former station master looks set to claim that his shift ended at 11pm but even if he had been there until 11, he could not have done anything to prevent the tragedy as train 62 arrived at Larissa station at 11.02 in the evening.

Next Thursday, March 30, the inspector's apology, who is expected to claim that he had requested that there be two people on shift, and until 11 p.m. The inspector's apology will be made with an 80-page memorandum.

As far as the case file is concerned, new elements have been added resulting from the statements of Hellenic Train and OSE trade unionists, as well as the multi-page conclusion of the inspectors of the Transparency Authority on the deficiencies and problems in the railway network, as well as the progress of the disputed contract 717, signed by two auditors and drawn up on September 27, 2021.

Source: skai.gr