How HDL increases

By Andris Vassilios, Dietitian-Nutritionist

HDL (high density lipoprotein) is the "good" cholesterol. It acts like a cholesterol dump truck, collecting "bad" cholesterol from the arteries and bringing it back to the liver for clearance. This protective effect on the heart may even slow down the buildup of plaque on the arterial walls of the heart. High-density lipoprotein can also have some anti-inflammatory effects that are beneficial to your heart. For these reasons you want your HDL to be high, so it can better perform these tasks and protect your heart.

Men should aim for HDL levels of 40mg / dL (milligrams per deciliter) or higher, and women should aim higher than 50mg / dL. Levels of 60mg / dL or more for both sexes have been linked to lower risk and disease protection against heart disease. Women tend to have higher levels of HDL than men. Estrogen is responsible for this, hormones that, in addition to their other functions, also tend to increase HDL in the female body.

It only takes a few simple steps to increase the levels of HDL in your body giving it resistance to cardiovascular disease.

Weight loss

Obesity along with the increase of bad (LDL) cholesterol also causes a decrease of good (HDL). So losing extra weight and especially belly fat leads to an increase in good cholesterol.
The exercise

Exercise and especially aerobics cause an increase in good cholesterol. The category of aerobic exercise includes walking, light running and cycling. Any exercise that increases heart rate by 10-20 beats is considered to increase the value of good cholesterol.

Quit smoking

Smoking lowers HDL levels in the body. If you smoke and quit now, you will have already taken a first big step towards increasing HDL.

Proper diet

Nuts are good sources of lipids associated with good heart health. Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which are among the most beneficial for heart health. Olive oil is high in unsaturated fatty acids and can help lift your high-density lipoprotein. Soluble fiber in fruits, vegetables and plant products in general have an undeniable effect on increasing good cholesterol.

Reduce carbs

People who eat a diet rich in carbohydrates (pasta, bread, sugar) even if they exercise regularly tend to have lower HDL levels than those who eat a lot of protein in combination with vegetables.

Eat fruits and vegetables

Their fiber, like whole grain products, has been found to increase HDL levels. At the same time, a similar dietary choice helps you lose weight, a "side effect" not at all unpleasant. A bowl of cereal every morning is a good start for those who did not have fiber in their diet.

Drink a glass of wine

It may sound paradoxical and there are certainly those who claim that alcohol causes more problems than it cures, but it is now commonly accepted that a glass of wine a day is an ally and not an enemy. Although alcohol generally seems to help increase HDL, the antioxidants contained in dark beer and red wine give you an extra reason to prefer them.

You can improve your HDL levels by following simple tips.

Your heart will thank you!

Andri Vassiliou
Dietitian Nutritionist

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