Inflation rose to 1,5% in November 2024, compared to November 2023, after the significant de-escalation of inflationary pressures in October and September of this year, to 0,6% and 0,7%, respectively.
For the period January – November 2024, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) recorded an increase of 1,7%, compared to the corresponding period last year.
According to the Statistical Service, the Consumer Price Index in November 2024 decreased by 0,43 points and reached 118,21 points compared to 118,64 points in October 2024.
The biggest change in economic categories compared to November 2023 and compared to the previous month was recorded in Agricultural Products with a rate of 8,91% and -4,09%, respectively.
Analysis of Percentage Changes
Compared to November 2023, according to the Statistical Service, the biggest changes were observed in the categories Food and non-alcoholic beverages (4,6%) and Restaurants and Hotels (4,2%).
In relation to October 2024, the largest changes were observed in the categories Food and non-alcoholic beverages (-2,3%) and Clothing and footwear (1,9%).
For the period January – November 2024, compared to the corresponding period last year, the largest change was presented in the category Restaurants and Hotels (5,5%).
Impact Analysis in Units
Besides, according to the Statistical Service, the categories Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (2024) and Restaurants and Hotels (2023) had the greatest positive effect on the change in the CPI of November 1,05 compared to November 0,44.
The biggest negative effect on the change in the CPI of November 2024 compared to November 2023 was the category Transportation (-0,33).
The Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages category had the greatest impact on the CPI change compared to the previous month (-0,55).
The categories Oil Products (-2024), Catering Services (2023) and Potatoes (0,58) had the greatest impact on the change in the November 0,43 CPI compared to the November 0,28 index.
Potatoes had the greatest positive effect on the change in the November 2024 CPI compared to the corresponding index of the previous month (0,18), while the Fresh Vegetables category had the greatest negative effect (-0,56).