Monks' lawyer: Requests examination of the objection and denounces the Holy Synod

The lawyer of the two monks returns

avakoum Lawyer of monks, Holy Synod

The lawyer of the two monks returns, requesting examination of the objection and denouncing the behavior of the Holy Synod and the organs of the Church.

This announcement:

We again delivered to His Beatitude Archbishop Justinian and all of Cyprus, also communicating to the members of the Holy Synod of the Church of Cyprus, the Objection that we had filed on July 8 and 16, because after the lapse of fifteen days we did not receive any response.

Unfortunately, this attitude of the Holy Synod, in addition to violating every rule of ecclesiastical correspondence, also constitutes insulting behavior towards us as advocates of the Brotherhood. If, in fact, it is taken into account that until today none of our memos and none of our objections have been answered, it is understandable that this behavior of both the Holy Synod and the other organs of the Church of Cyprus reaches the limits of contempt.

Despite this, and in contrast to the above-described unchanged attitude of the institutions of the Church of Cyprus, we, insisting on legality and the observance of procedures, brought back our Objection, now demanding its examination and its acceptance. And this, because the evidence mentioned in it, as well as the evidence that we will present to the Holy Synod, completely overturn the false and fabricated atmosphere up until now, proving the unreliability of both the accuser and the accusations against us and restoring the honor and our reputation as monks, clergy and citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.

We hope that, even at the last moment, the Holy Synod of the Church of Cyprus will do its duty by finally awarding justice and restoring us in the eyes of public opinion and shielding the prestige of the Church of Cyprus itself.

About the "escape" of clergy

Finally, because information has come to our attention, that procedures are underway with the aim of "fleeing" both our accuser and numerous other clerics of the Holy Metropolis of Tamasos and Orini to other Holy Metropolises of other Autocephalous Churches, in order to escape their ecclesiastical persecution with the subject to the canonical jurisdiction of another Church, we note the following in order to restore the truth: according to Canon Law and the Charter of the Church of Cyprus, the ecclesiastical courts of the Church of Cyprus are equally competent for the trial of a canonical offense, since it was held here the misdemeanor (jurisdiction by place) as well as the ecclesiastical courts of the Autocephalous Church, under whose jurisdiction the cleric who committed the offense falls (jurisdiction by person). Whichever of the two courts is seized first decides the case.

Therefore, wherever a delinquent cleric goes, he cannot escape his punishment. If to the above, we add the principle of the universality of ecclesiastical punishment, that is, the punishment of every ecclesiastical court applies throughout the Orthodox world and binds every Orthodox bishop, it becomes even clearer that the - according to information always - attempt to "escape" specific clergy to be relieved of their ecclesiastical responsibilities, will have no effect.