The Management Committee of the RES and EX.E Fund has announced the start of submitting applications within the framework of the re-announcement of Category A3: "Photovoltaics for All", of the Grant Scheme for RES and EX.E in Residences 2024-2025.
The re-announcement of Category A3 will remain open for a further 3.000 applications, introducing significant amendments to widen access to the programme.
The program aims to make solar energy accessible to non-vulnerable households that do not have the initial capital to install PV, helping to reduce electricity bills and environmental footprint.
The Plan foresees that for the beneficiaries of "Photovoltaics for All", the cost of the investment is repaid by the RES and EX.E Fund and is then returned by the applicant to the Fund, through installments integrated into his electricity bill.
With the re-announcement of CATEGORY A3: Photovoltaics for All for another 3.000 applications and following a Decision of the Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry, limited but important modifications have been introduced, with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of the measure and expanding access to more households.
Based on the new criteria, the consumption limit of 6.000 kWh/year that was in effect at the time of the first announcement is abolished.
The sponsorship amount is also reduced to €500 (from €1.000) and, at the same time, the "repayment amount" that will be returned by the applicant to the RES and EXE Fund is increased to €4.500 (from €4.000). In this way, as stated, a substantial disincentive is created for those who have the resources to finance the investment with equity, who could be included in category A1 (€1.500 grant), and it is ensured that the budget of "Photovoltaics for All" it will be used by those who have a real need to be included in this category.
At the same time, the beneficiaries of category A3 are added to those who have a Purchase and Sale Document deposited with the Department of Cadastre and Land Surveying, even though they are not yet officially registered owners of the property.
It is recalled that in addition to Category A3: "Photovoltaics for All", the following financing categories are also included in the general Grant Scheme, which remain in force:
CATEGORY A1: PHOTOVOLTAIC – GENERAL CATEGORY with €375 sponsorship per kW and maximum €1.500 sponsorship (4kW) – 50% increase for mountainous areas.
CATEGORY A2: PHOTOVOLTAIC - VULNERABLE HOUSEHOLDS with a sponsorship of €1.250 per kW and a maximum sponsorship amount of €6.250 (5kW).
CATEGORY B1: ROOF INSULATION – GENERAL CATEGORY with 50% sponsorship and a maximum sponsorship amount of €2.500 and/or €25,00 per sq.m. – 50% increase for mountainous areas.
CATEGORY B2: ROOF INSULATION – VULNERABLE HOUSEHOLDS with 75% sponsorship and a maximum sponsorship amount of €3.750 or €37,50 per sq.m.
Applications can only be submitted online, through the website of the RES and EX.E Fund ( Applications are submitted before the implementation of the investments and can be submitted in Greek or English.
Interested parties are urged to carefully read the provisions of the Grant Schemes before proceeding with the submission of an application. A full understanding of the entry requirements is important to ensure they can take advantage of the funding opportunities on offer.